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Oak Chips – American White Oak – Light Toast – 454 g

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Oak Chips – American White Oak – Light Toast – 454 g

Medium Chips
454 grams – 1 lb


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SKU: 13472.454 Category:

Additional Info

Oak Chips – American White Oak – Light Toast – 454 g

American White Oak Chips – 454 g
Adds flavor, aroma complexity, and increase body
Do not require long periods of aging to get the desired impact. improves the outcome of your wine.
Instructions: Open Oak Pack and add the oak chips to 1 cup of hot water. Let the oak chips soak in the hot water for 10 minutes. Add the water and the oak chips to the primary fermenter.
Dosage: The amount of Oak Chips you will want to use varies, but usually it will be in the area of 1 to 2 ounces for every 5 or 6 gallons of wine. The lesser of the amounts should be used in white wines.
Maximum Dosage: We do not recommend exceeding 4 ounces of oak chips for 5 gallons of wine.

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